Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Why Said The Ladybird To The Turtle?

At some point in this crazy crazy world of WAHM’s you are usually asked Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you putting more pressure onto yourself and your family?
This is why.....
In 2010 my whole world changed, I became a mum. I went from being a Branch Manager in a capital city for one of the top four banks to being the primary carer of a tiny human being. But this isn't about motherhood, at least not my motherhood, not entirely.
When I became a mum I finally got "it", I finally understood what complete and total love is and in reality I got it when I was pregnant. And my pregnancy was full of fear, my mother and her mother before her had both lost their first children after birth. I was so afraid of the same happening to me, that I wouldn't get to take my son home with me that those months of pregnancy were not happy and bright but fearful and sick with stress.
I did get to take home my son, and earlier in 2012 I got to take home my daughter.
Yet my mind still lingered on my mother and what she had lost and had to endure and how, every now and then I can actually see that pain in her eyes.
Then I discovered Mums Like Me and something inside me ignited.
I had been toying with the idea of starting some sort of home business, nothing too demanding, as having a baby and a toddler doesn't really allow that, but something to help in short weeks, to give me some focus and goals (remember .... bank manager), but also something that I could give back somehow to the universe as I feel so very blessed with my Turtle and Ladybird.
This is why Said the Ladybird to the Turtle has been created.
For every 5 dolls I sell, 1 will be donated to Mums Like Me to be given to a sibling suffering the loss of an Angel Baby.
Here we are, about to commence on the crazy journey that WAHM's around the world partake every day. I know it will be tough and the way may not always be simple and there will be times that I would like to just put my feet up and not do anymore but I hope that my desire to give something back, to help a fellow Sibling Like Me will help to pick me back up again when I need it.
You don't have to buy a doll to help me in my pursuit, you can help by donating fabric to be made into a doll or even donate directly to Mums Like Me (you can find them here
Please contact me via my Facebook Page ( ) if you would like more information.
Thank you for taking the time to share my story

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